At Watches Of Westminster we pride ourselves on our fast and personal service.
Unlike all other watch buyers we will travel to you for the right watch and can meet you at your bank to arrange a transfer or we can by prior arrangement pay cash or even by Paypal if you live a great distance from us .
We can inspect the watch when we meet and then and confirm our valuation and make price and payment.It is very rare that having seen a watch our valuation changes in fact , I cant remember the last time that happened other than when I met a chap with a watch that was working when he left home ( and I believed him ) but just didn’t want to run when we met. In the end I could see that the watch was just needing a good service and was vey gummed up inside so there was no problem in completing the deal.Just below is the watch I bought and I even drove 200 miles to pick it up as the seller preferred p
British army watch
Some good quality pictures are usually all we need although our valuations are based on being able to inspect the watch at a place of your convenience. We travel all over the UK.
Here are some pictures of watches we have recently purchased , if you have anything similar please let us know by visiting the web site or simply calling us on 07768316371 and ask for Simon.
Theres no risk and no obligation !
Grana watch
WoWadmin January 21st, 2020
Posted In: Second Hand Watches
Tags: 1946 Rolex, 321, buy my rolex, Buy my watch fast, Buy my watch London, cash for gold watch, fast cash, heuer vintage watches, Original watch, quick watch sale, sell my rolex, sell my watch, Speedmaster Professional, watch buyers london
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